Newsletter April 2022
Date Published: 11 October 2022Hello April!
WOW! what a March we’ve had! We’ve certainly kept the team busy by sending them all over the UK. We’ve been working from Somerset to Warrington, London, Suffolk, Essex and everywhere in between!
Face-to-Face training, blended and E-Learning were all out in full force!
We’ve worked with day centres and adapted our course timings to work around shift times to make sure they got their training completed.
We’ve also customised our competency course for team leaders and managers to be more role specific for those assessing others.
Please get in touch today to see how, when and where we can help you!
AIT is with you every step of the way
News in the Care World
Government guidance was updated on 15th
March 2022 lifting restrictions on visiting care homes
across the UK.
As we know visiting is an integral part of care
home life. It is vitally important for maintaining
the health, well being and quality of life of
residents. Visiting is also crucial for family and
friends to maintain contact and life-long
relationships with their loved ones, and to
contribute to their support and care.
Before visiting any care setting please ensure
you check their current guidance for visitors
before attending.
Allergy Awareness Week
April 26th – April 30th
Hay fever is a common allergic reaction to pollen released from
trees, grass and/or weeds, lasting from March to September.
Some Top Tips to help relieve the symptoms are:
- Wear wraparound sunglasses
- Use vaseline around nostrils
- Wash pollen off skin/clothes
- Keep doors and windows closed
- Vacuum regularly
- Dust with damp cloths
- Use eye drops, nasal sprays or antihistamines to help relieve symptoms
Did you know?
Pets can also carry pollen! Also dehydration and smoking will make your hay fever symptoms worse.